Athens 2008 - Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems Design

Athens 2008 - Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems Design

AthensIl corso durerà una settimana ed avrà come tema il settore del Tool Machining and Manufacturing Systems I partecipanti, una ventina, arriveranno da Francia, Spagna, Belgio, Tunisia, Rep. Ceca.

Le lezioni saranno tenute in inglese presso la sede del laboratorio, come da programma.

Per maggiori informazioni, consultare il sito:

MON 17.11 (Morning)

Machine tools fundamentals (prof. M. Monno - MM, prof. A. Bernasconi - AB, ing. V. Mussi - VM):

- Welcome to Politecnico

- Material removal fundamentals, CNC machining centres and components (MM)

MON 17.11 (Afternoon)

- Basics of FEM in machine tools design (AB)

- Traditional and innovative materials (AB+VM)

TUE 18.11 (M)

Machine tools dynamic (prof. G. Bianchi - GB, prof. P. Pennacchi - PP, ing. P. Albertelli - PA, ing. M. Goletti- MG):

- Numerical modelling of structures and components (PA)

- Structural analysis: testing methods and instruments (GB+MG)

TUE 18.11 (A)

- Machining process simulation and instability conditions (GB+PA+MG)

- Condition monitoring and diagnostics methods (PP)

WED 19.11 (M)

Tolerancing and precision engineering (prof. G. Moroni - GM, prof. A Armillotta - AA, ing. S. Petrò - SP):

- An introduction to Precision Engineering (GM) - Geometrical Tolerance Verification and Process Monitoring (SP)

WED 19.11 (A)

- Geometrical Tolerancing (AA)

- Geometric Error Measurement and Compensation of Machine Tools (GM)

THU 20.11 (M)

Manufacturing systems (prof. A. Matta - AM, ing. S. Borgia - SB, ing. P. Cobianchi - PC, ing. P. Moriggi- PM):

- Setup planning and pallet configuration on Flexible Manufacturing System (PC) - Part program simulation on CNC machining centres (PM) THU 20.11 (A)

- Analysis of transfer lines (AM) - Design of rotary transfer lines (SB)

FRI 21.11 (M)

Economics and organizational aspects (prof. P. Rizzi - PR, dr.ssa M. De Nicola - MD, dr. M. Lazzarini - ML):

- Importance of the machine tools production in Italy and in Europe (PR+ML)

- Strategies for competitiveness of companies: new business models (PR+MD)

- Innovation and protection of the intellectual property (PR+ML)

FRI 21.11 (A)

- Technical visit to a machine tools manufacturing plant in Piacenza

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